‘Alternate Dispute Resolution’ is presently the necessity of time

And is indispensable in the complex judicial system for the fast resolution of disputes of the people within a short span of time and with less expense.


A prospective arbitrator shall accept an appointment only if he is fully satisfied that he is able to discharge his duties without bias, and possess adequate knowledge of the arbitration and able to give the time to arbitration and attention as the parties are reasonably entitled to expect.


PIAM Board of Director formulated the rules and regulations for appointment of arbitrators, mediators and their proceedings and effective control over the smooth running of the institute. The rules and regulations are available at www.piam.pk,


Arbitrator after accepting the appointment on agreeing remuneration, as settled by PIAM, one cannot make any unilateral arrangements with any of the parties or their counsel for any additional fees or expenses, except with the express agreement/arrangement of the registrar.